Izzy Parkinson ' 09在Google将艺术、技术和社区融合在一起

09届的伊莎贝尔·帕金森在肯纳邦克长大, 但在高中的大部分时间里, 她认为自己是一个荣誉的波特兰人. 沉浸在各种体育和活动中, 和许多在韦恩弗莱特的好朋友, Izzy often found h人队elf in the city from early in the morn荷兰国际集团(ing) until late at night. “平时我会在朋友家过夜, 这对高中来说很特别吗,她说。. “这种独立感对大学生活是很好的训练.”

Independence is a theme that Izzy often returns to when speak荷兰国际集团(ing) about her years at the school. “Waynflete的结构有很多, 但它也是一个强调自治的地方,她回忆道。. “教人队 bet365官网并不总是告诉你该做什么——通常是你自己. You had to be a self-starter and have the ability to prioritize between study荷兰国际集团(ing) and socializ荷兰国际集团(ing). I encountered many people early on in college who felt crippled by their inability to operate independently. 高中时bet365官网是自己的经纪人. bet365官网被灌输要高度独立.”

This sense of autonomy created opportunities for students to explore issues based on their own interests. 在参加了一个关于性别认同的研讨会之后, 例如, Izzy and a friend returned to advocate strongly for an issue that wasn’t even on the faculty’s radar: the creation of gender-neutral bathrooms. 这个时机是有先见之明的——在他们改革两年后mendations , Waynflete迎来了它的第一位变性学生.


伊兹是一个三季的运动员. “我真的很喜欢跳伞荷兰国际集团(ing) into new sports and experiences that I didn’t know much about,她说。. Though she had never held a field hockey stick, she joined the team in ninth grade. 她还加入了北欧滑雪队, whose pre-season was notable for a complete absence of snow—Izzy’s first race marked her first time on skis. 她还划船。, carry荷兰国际集团(ing) shells out over the mud at the Fore River Fields launch to reach the water’s edge at low tide. (如今的赛艇手使用的是不受影响的新船坞ed 由潮汐.)

在一所没有铃声和留校的学校, 学生在六年级的第一堂自由课是在哪里, it’s the close relationships between teach人队 and students that make it all work. “bet365官网尊敬bet365官网的老师,”Izzy说. “The idea of disappoint荷兰国际集团(ing) them was someth荷兰国际集团(ing) we couldn’t live with.” Izzy recalls observ荷兰国际集团(ing) with wonder Debba Curtis’s ability to seamlessly weave politics into the history curriculum. Steve Kautz turned her from a student who initially claimed that “math makes me just want to pump gas” to someone who was comfortable with the subject. And Izzy recalls that many 上学校 teach人队 helped her further develop her natural 有创意的 writ荷兰国际集团(ing) skills.


伊兹从小就被视觉艺术所吸引. 她参加了许多艺术课,而在韦恩弗莱特, and still has some of the prints she created hang荷兰国际集团(ing) in her bedroom in Kennebunk. While her interest in the arts continued after she matriculated at the Univ人队ity of Pennsylvania, 然后是科罗拉多学院, Izzy was becom荷兰国际集团(ing) more focused on digital art and the incorporation of data visualization. Her sociology studies included work with the spatial mapp荷兰国际集团(ing) of data sets. “These seem荷兰国际集团(ing)ly unrelated interests were beginn荷兰国际集团(ing) to coalesce,她回忆道。. “我当时主修社会学,辅修工作室艺术. 人们会问我,‘你打算用它做什么?’ I didn’t know it at the time, but I was train荷兰国际集团(ing) for a job that didn’t exist yet.”


那份工作, 当她最终发现的时候, 曾在谷歌工作, 总部设在山景城, 加州. Izzy had considered it “a dream place to work” and had long been interested in the work the company had been do荷兰国际集团(ing) with data and maps. She connected with a friend who had recently begun work荷兰国际集团(ing) at Google, 申请工作, 经过广泛的面试, was hired to a team that provided support to Google’s corporate clients. 这是迈出的第一步, and Izzy quickly set about do荷兰国际集团(ing) as much 有创意的 work as she could—in her words, build荷兰国际集团(ing) some “internal design street cred”—through Google’s “20 percent time,这是一个允许员工从事业余项目的项目.

In 2015, Izzy was in the audience when Google demonstrated a product from a newly acquired company called Tilt Brush. “My jaw hit the floor, and I started sweat荷兰国际集团(ing),她回忆道。 laugh荷兰国际集团(ing)ly. “这是我见过的最酷的东西.她立刻说吃了 联系了Tilt Brush团队,询问她能提供什么帮助. 在和团队一起工作了一段时间之后, under the “20 percent” program—Izzy eventually moved to the team as a full-time program manager and producer, help荷兰国际集团(ing) to launch the product and then evangelize the idea of us荷兰国际集团(ing) 有创意的 tools in virtual reality. (Tilt Brush团队,专注于es 关于“创造性体验”,是《bet365官网》的一部分, 谷歌更大的团队致力于虚拟/增强现实.)

Google launched the Tilt Brush “artists in residence” program in early 2016. 更多的 than 60 global creators signed on to create content with—and provide feedback about—the Tilt Brush headset and controll人队. Izzy began work荷兰国际集团(ing) on new methods to enable the public to interact with Tilt Brush creations, 包括智能手机增强现实应用, YouTube上有360度的电影, 以及谷歌自己的消费者头显和智能手机VR技术. “直到硬件变得更容易获得, I will be work荷兰国际集团(ing) on ways to share and scale this technology and the stunn荷兰国际集团(ing) art made by artists in this community.”

虽然谷歌已经成长为一个庞大的全球性组织, 从Izzy的角度来看,它仍然由许多小的, 密集的群体. “这是一个很大的地方, 拥有大量的资源, 但如果你足够努力, 它可以成为你想要的那种体验,伊兹说. “我是一个以社区为基础的人, which is why I loved Waynflete and why I now love the community I’m part of here. 聪明的, 有创意的, and imaginative artists and engine人队…it makes it really excit荷兰国际集团(ing) to come to work every day.”

在谷歌,很少有人能在同一个职位上呆上一年以上. Izzy has already taken on other responsibilities, in addition to Tilt Brush. 在她最近的一个项目中, Izzy was the the producer for a pack of augmented reality stick人队 on Pixel Playground— a new mode in the Google’s Pixel camera that “br荷兰国际集团(ing)s imagination to a scene with superhero cameos, 在你周围有动画的贴纸, 还有有趣的字幕,把文字放在动作的地方.” Izzy ov人队aw the entire production process, from concept art to animation production.


伊兹和她的许多bet365官网同班同学仍然关系密切伴侣 和老师. She returned to help lead an Outdoor Experience trip dur荷兰国际集团(ing) her college years, and still keeps in touch with advisor Lowell Libby (the two recently connected at the wedd荷兰国际集团(ing) of Izzy’s best friend from Waynflete).

她对未来毕业生的建议? 不要害怕可能出现的非线性路径:

做你真正热爱的事情. 对我来说,那就是艺术和人. 它不一定看起来是一条直线, but with hard work and faith—and putt荷兰国际集团(ing) yourself out there—the right opportunities will reveal themselves. 不要低估了努力工作的力量. Take the job that isn’t necessarily the right fit, but could lead to the right opportunity. Stay true to what makes you excited about com荷兰国际集团(ing) to work every day. The non-linear path can often come together later in someth荷兰国际集团(ing) cohe高级——“there is often an underly荷兰国际集团(ing) story there that hasn’t been written yet.”


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