
bet365官网对话项目 (WDP) is a focused initiative to make dialogue a keystone habit in the 上学校. It is not a single program but instead touches on many facets of the 上学校 experience, 在教室内外. 对话, 在最好的情况下, is an approach to bridging differences among individuals to find common ground and extract the wisdom inherent in a diversity of viewpoints and backgrounds. 像这样, the primary goal of dialogue is to learn and understand, not to persuade.

Developing dialogue as a keystone habit at Waynflete will enrich the education of all students by helping them to learn from differences rather than be divided by them and thus help Waynflete avoid the fate of many colleges, 它们往往是多样而又分裂的. Inclusive communities are also healthy communities in which no student should feel alone. 除了, 因为它有能力从多样性中挖掘智慧, 对话促进创新, 创造力, 企业家的思维, 以及解决问题的能力.  

通过将对话置于学生体验的中心, 世界开发计划署将深化bet365官网, 加强社区联系, 让bet365官网的学生在这个分裂的世界中成为进步的催化剂. As the faculty and administration work at cultivating the capacity for dialogue in our students, bet365官网期望这种努力也能培养bet365官网自己的这种能力. bet365官网希望它能成为其他学校效仿的榜样.


From our mission to our daily practices, Waynflete is fertile ground for teaching dialogue. Key elements that are necessary for dialogue to flourish have long been hallmarks of the Waynflete experience, including a climate of mutual respect; discussion as a primary pedagogical strategy in the classroom; a premium value placed on teaching students to think; and, 这要归功于学校从21世纪初开始的不懈努力, 高中学生群体日益多样化.  

The latter development – the increase in student diversity – caused us to become more intentional with how we talk with each other. Alums then started telling us how important learning those skills in high school has been for them as they navigate the increasingly polarized climate they find in college. 考虑到这一点, 2015年秋天, bet365官网决定更加系统化地培养对话. Recent events in the news worldwide as well as the 2016 presidential election have subsequently affirmed the choice to commit ourselves to dialogue.

计划正在进行中, 于2016年3月与缅因州和平种子合作, bet365官网赞助并主持 首届新英格兰青年身份峰会(NEYIS). The incredible success of that event – in which nearly 300 students from 27 schools across 缅因州 and New England converged on the Waynflete campus for an evening and a day of mostly student led workshops and dialogues on a host of topics – solidified our commitment to promoting dialogue and encouraged us to see ourselves as a catalyst for doing so in the larger community. Thanks to the leadership of Head of School Geoff Wagg and the hard work of Director of Student Affairs Lydia Maier and Development Director Sarah Plimpton, we have subsequently been awarded a grant from the EE Ford Foundation that will allow us adequate resources to support the Summit for the next three years as well as the launch of the WDP.

初夏的时候,莉迪亚和我开始制定发布计划. bet365官网通过起草“bet365官网对话构建模块”来定义对话, 链接在这里. We then began to engage the faculty with the project by holding a dialogue training in July. 虽然那节课原本是为高中教师准备的, interest from the other two divisions as well as the development office led us to broaden the participation. By the end of the day, the prospect of making the WDP an all-school initiative had been introduced. 一个月后, 高中教师的开幕静修集中在如何最好地促进对话, 行政团队已经讨论过在全校范围内推行这一举措.  


WDP现在正通过一系列步骤介绍给学生. I alluded to the goal of cultivating our capacity for dialogue in my remarks to students at the start of the year. 在开学的前几周, some of the student leaders involved with the Summit have heard more about the initiative. 在最近的一次集会上, I explained the WDP to the entire student body and asked them to participate in an advising lunch dialogue about the concept of privilege as articulated in the MTV video. 我的大会发言是 链接在这里. 视频是 链接在这里.

Next Thursday, October 6, Waynflete will host a hip hop performing and teaching duo, Eric and Oliver. 埃里克是白人,在斯科威根长大, 缅因州, loving hip hop music but having virtually no contact with the people or culture that spawned the music he loved. He subsequently attended Brown University and got involved with the hip hop scene in Providence, 在那里他遇见了奥利弗, 谁是来自普罗维登斯的多米尼加人. The two have joined together not only as hip hop performers but also as diversity educators at the Wheeler School. 在Waynflete, they will perform for students and then tell their story of how they bridged their differences to become artistic collaborators and close friends. 那天晚上, 在缅因州艺术委员会的支持下, 他们将在富兰克林剧院举办一场名为 嘻哈, 种族不平等, and Cultural Appropriation: A Night of Cultural 对话 and 嘻哈 Performance.

随着时间的推移, bet365官网将在午餐咨询环节练习对话, 在bet365官网各种基于对话的活动中, 在bet365官网的教室里. 除了, 高中团队采用了积木作为bet365官网的会议协议, 这能让bet365官网有机会实践bet365官网所教的. 在春天, bet365官网将再次与缅因州和平种子共同赞助NEYIS, which will give our students the chance to practice dialogue as facilitators and participants with students from across New England. 到年底, we hope to well on our way to establishing dialogue as a keystone habit as well as having enjoyed the many benefits of making the effort.


如前所述,韦恩弗莱特是对话的沃土. 事实上, dialogue is so closely aligned with the school’s identity that the basic elements of dialogue as we have defined them in 构建模块 – curiosity, caring, and courage – are also descriptors of the school’s core values. We are currently running ads extolling the importance of questions; when asked to describe Waynflete in one word, “kindness” was always former Head of School Mark Segar’s answer; current Head Geoff Wagg gave the same response when asked to summarize his philosophy in a word; and we ask students to take positive risks daily as a prerequisite to growth. 像这样, 当bet365官网努力提高对话水平的时候, bet365官网强化bet365官网的核心身份, 这反过来又使bet365官网能够更好地在对话中相互bet365官网.


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